Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Back 2 Blogging?

I know that many of you guys have been asking for a comeback of the blog. My answer has always been, "It was a summer thing, and now im too busy with school-work." Well, If you can't tell, its almost summer again, which may mean a return?! Maybe this summer I will take my blog on an adventure with me and widen my categories to travel, food, fashion, and maybe even lifestyle. Many people enjoy my instagram, and this would be a more detailed version of that.

To catch you guys up on things, it has mainly been school. John. Drivers License. Also, lately I have been trying out so many new products and high-end things. Which would lead to some awesome future post. Another thing I am excited for is that I'm attending an event with smashbox soon. Here, im hoping to learn new tips and tricks that I can share with you.

If you are excited for another summer with me, let me know. I will soon(if not already) have a post up on my instagram. Here comment and tell me that you read this and your thoughts on what I should do next and if you enjoyed my blog in the past.

XOXO JAMIE? what how do I do this?
oh wait
here it is