Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What My Naked 2 Palette Was Hiding from Me

So this may sound a little funny, but today I came across a few things that I never noticed about my Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. Things like Bright Summer colors, eyeliners and secrets to a slimmer face. Keep reading to find out more. 

How I Came Across This Mystery 

       I am the kind of person that 90% of the time wears neutrals. And this palette is great for that don't get me wrong, but lately I have been loving brighter colors. As me and other owners of this palette agree the colors are all of a similar hue and possess the same types of colors. The many shimmery neutrals in the palette seem to drown out the few bright colors of this palette. 
      In the photo above, you can see what looks like 2 totally different palettes. One photo shows the bright purple and pinky tones in the palette. In the bottom photo all of the colors look brown, and the true bright colors are not shown. As said before they were washed out by the neutrals. This blew my mind, and I felt like any owner of this palette should know to take a closer look at these colors.

Busted, Verve, and YDK

     With these colors, I was definitely willing to open my Naked Palette back up. Today I was able to create a super gorgeous purple eye look, using my NAKED 2 PALETTE! Thats crazy considering it
  is  WAS an all neutral palette.
      As you can see from the swatches and photo below, the colors look soooo much different with the lighting focused on them. It really shows how bright and fun these colors can be.  Which, was what surprised me. The other warm neutrals next to these bright colors, have hidden them and drowned out the true color! Even shown in the advertisement picture on and, the colors look very washed out, they look as if they are all neutral browns.
Now that you know about this hidden beauties give them a whirl! I applied Busted(my new Fav!!) in the outer corner and Verve in the inner part of my lid. This gave an awesome summer look. But you can also apply a single color all over the lid - another gorgeous look!
      After wearing this look all day, I definitely can say I have a new favorite summer eyelook. I am IN LOVE with busted, and definitely encourage all you Naked 2 mommies out their to come out of the comfort zone and try it.

Eyeshadow Eyeliner?!

As bragged about by the amazing Claire Legnon, "The black Liner I have on is really the black eyeshadow shade from my Naked Basics palette." This inspired me. My Naked 2 Palette include the shade blackout which is very similar to the Naked Basics Crave. So applied with a liner brush, you can have a soft matte liner, without  even using liner!? How crazy is that?!

The Perfect Highlight

      This isnt a newbie for me, but i just thought I'd share another thing I love about my Naked 2 Palette.  This is the Highlight shades, even in the Naked Basics, they offer some awesome highlight colors! My total fav is Bootycall or maybe its just the name.. either way, I have confirmed the awesomeness of these highlighters with Naked 2 Mommy Elizabeth Labat! She says, "Most of the time I only use my Naked 2 palette for the highlights!" Well not now, because of the awesome colors now recognizable!\

Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed and maybe get some new looks from this! if you arent an owner of this product be sure to check it out here or even better try out some other cheaper dupes for these colors! Have Fun with these looks because summer dosent last all year! 

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